The first cement factory in Iran established eighty five years ago. After then by utilizing natural rich resources and employing the best production technologies, Iran could strengthen its position.
The first cement factory in Iran established eighty five years ago. After then by utilizing natural rich resources and employing the best production technologies, Iran could strengthen its position.
Along last 10 years, Raiva International Trading as a major mineral supplier in Iran, succeed to support all of its customers in every part of the world; and ensure them to meet all commercial requirements.This is happening by employing considerable export experience of million tons bulk and containerized varieties of mineral commodities. Besides that, RaivaCo has provided the best services and gained magnificent achievement for creating a wide and close relationship with cement manufactures.
Our cement products can be general but innovative mixture or special versions developed to suit projects specifications.
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We sell Cement in Bulk, Big Bags and Sling Bags with White and Grey color.
For more information on how to pay, product analysis and transporting the products, as well as issues related to international trade and the final price, you can contact us through the numbers which are available on the website or our social networks.